Thursday 29 November 2012

More Project By Monavie

The History of The MORE Project

The Founders’ Vision: To Give Back in Abundance
It began with MonaVie founders, Dallin Larsen, Randy Larsen and Henry Marsh. They wanted a company whose very essence was all about giving back. They worked to create a corporate culture in which charity was a built-in principle that governed the actions of distributors and employees alike. They succeeded. And the MORE Project was born.

Connecting with Sergio Ponce, the Director of MORE Project Brazil
As Dallin (CEO of MonaVie and MORE Project founder) explains, “Soon after MonaVie began operations in January 2005, the company experienced tremendous growth. This fueled our sense of urgency to find a non-profit organization that we could partner with; someone we believed could make a difference in children’s lives. It wasn’t long before we found an organization through Doug Rowland, a MonaVie distributor. Through his own charitable work in Brazil, Doug met Sergio Ponce, who—led by the example of his mother Cecilia Ponce’s work—had built a hopeful and dedicated project on the outskirts of Rio.”

Sergio’s genuine love and steadfast commitment to the people of the favelas (slums) so impressed Dallin and his wife, Karree, they decided to sponsor the project and help establish it as an -independent non-profit organization.

How MonaVie Supports MORE Project

MonaVie founded MORE Project and has played an integral role in supporting its growth and stability by making it one of the five stars in doing the MonaVie business: the cause. MonaVie works actively to pay the administrative costs of MORE Project each year so our donors’ contributions can go directly to helping people around the world.

Where We Go from Here

Thanks to your help, we’ve been able to do so much. But there is still so much more to do all around the world. We continue to look for every opportunity to alleviate suffering and promote health, hope and dignity for the impoverished we serve. It takes each one of us doing our small part to change the lives of children and families in need. And the miracle of giving is this: alter the destiny of one, and you alter the destiny of generations to come. We need your help. Together, we will rescue as many as we can reach.


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